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Beachfront hotels in Glendale

A curated list of beach hotels and resorts

Tomas Mazowski A list by Tomas Mazowski. This guide was last updated in November 2022.

Hey! I love staying in a nice beachfront hotel - being able to go straight from your room down to the ocean is a priceless feeling. To help save some time when booking your next vacation I've put together this list of beachfront hotels and resorts in Glendale. I hope you will like it!

Tomas Mazowski

I try my best to keep this guide up to date and I last refreshed it in November 2022. Did I miss a hotel that should be on this list? Send me an email and let me know!

Missing a hotel on our list?

Do you know of a cool beachfront hotel in Glendale that's missing from this list?

Let me know!

In order to support the sites I work together with booking.com. Whenever someone finds a nice hotel and makes a reservation through one of the links here I get a small commission. Thanks!